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Quick guidance on key safes for social care practitioners

Key Safes

A key safe is a strong mechanical metal box that securely stores a spare key inside for use by an authorised visitor to enter an individual's home. Key safes are provided only for care workers and community nurses to access an individual's property, when it is evidenced that it has become problematic for the individual to answer the door.

The individual (or representative) is responsible for setting the code, which will be needed at the time of fitting. It is recommended that between 5-7 characters including one letter should be used. The individual should be encouraged not to use an obvious code e.g. 0123.  The code should be stored on Mosaic in the appropriate section.

If the individual wants to change the code, raise a repair order on IRIS5 and in the notes, please enter a new code. NRS technician will then reset the key safe using the provided code on the notes. Should the individual change the code or forget the code number without having asked ASC to store the number, or should the client move, there may be cost implications to remove the safe and make good the property. Please advice the person to update ASC or the care agency if they change the code so that this can be updated on Mosaic.

The key safe code should be given to the care agency, client’s next of kin and Careline.

Last updated: 27 November 2023