Connecting people to support
Virtual Ward is a new health initiative to keep people out of hospital where possible. They may be ‘admitted’ whilst in the community to prevent an actual hospital admission or to enable an earlier discharge home from hospital.
The service is for adults over the age of 18 who live in Camden, are registered with a Camden general practitioner (GP) and who require immediate intervention to prevent a possible hospital admission. Alternatively, a hospital physician may refer someone to the team if thier clinical needs can be managed in their own home.
There is certain exclusion criteria around the service, such as:
- The person is experiencing a medicla emergency requiring A&E/999 support
- The person's home environment is unsafe for visiting practitioners
- The person declines or refuses the service.
Conditions that can be supported with the Virtual Ward
The Virtual Ward can support people with:
- COVID-19
- UTIs
- Chest infections
- Heart failure
- Dehydration
- Experiencing falls
- Unstable diabetes
- Who would benefit from welfare checks to avoid re-admission.
Making a referral
To make a referral, please phone 020 7685 6966.
More information can be found at the Camden Rapid Access Service website.