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Best practice to ensure that patients are safely discharged from hospital

Hospital discharge

Hospital discharge refers to when a patient is ready to leave hospital and return to their normal place of residence. This section provides best practice to ensure a person is discharged safely, including: discharge pathway, reablement flats, safeguarding raised in hospital, discharge alert protocol, and support for carers that are identified as part of the discharge process. 

If a person is due to be discharged and does not have a home to return to, the hospital would contact the Housing Needs Service.

Also, if the person cannot manage day-to-day activities, the hospital discharge team would contact Adult Social Care who may arrange for:

  • short term support to help with personal care, cooking and household chores
  • a short stay in a supported flat as part of a recovery process

Further details about

hospital discharge and homelessness or at risk of homelessness  is available on the Council website.




Last updated: 23 August 2024