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Case management and case records

Case management and case records

It is Camden’s policy that children and families’ experience of working with CSFH is positive and that they are able to build strong relationships with social workers who remain a constant in their lives. 

Recording accurate, up to date information on case files is essential to maintaining high standards of social work practice and service delivery. Case records are also important for children as they “tell their story” and can help them to make sense of what was happening in their lives that led to social work involvement.

Social workers should ensure that recording on all MOSAIC case records is accurate and up to date and meets the standards and requirements set out in the Recording policy. 

Social workers can also get guidance on good practice for writing and recording, including use of language and involving families in the Recording practice guidance and the Ways of Writing practice guidance.

The MOSAIC section provides more details on recording on case records.

Last updated: 28 February 2025