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Case management and case records

Case management and case records

It is Camden’s policy that children and families’ experience of working with CSFH is positive and that they are able to build strong relationships with social workers who remain a constant in their lives. 

Service users have a right under the Data Protection Act 2018 to see any information that is held on them in CSFH records although there are some restrictions. 

The Access to records policy provides details of what to do when a service user requests access to their records.

Access to records is overseen by the Information Rights Team ([email protected] ) who carry out many of the tasks in relation to subject access and social workers should take advice from the team whenever a service user requests access.

Service users who want to access to their CSFH records (known as a subject access request) need to write in to the Information Rights Team. Details of how to make a subject access request can be found on the council's website including the web form they will need to complete.




Last updated: 07 November 2024