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Family and friends care for children in need

Family and friends care for children in need

When a child is unable to live with their parents, the best alternative is for the child to be cared for by a relative or family friend who is known and trusted by the child. This can allow them to stay in their local area and keep in close contact with parents, other family members and friends. 


Private fostering is where a child under 16 (or under 18 if they have a disability) is looked after by someone who is not their step-parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle or sibling for more than 28 days.

Although these are private arrangements between the parent and private foster carer, Camden has a duty to safeguard privately fostered children and ensure the care arrangements are suitable.

Social workers from the Child in Need service will carry out assessments and visits of privately fostered children. 

For details of how Camden safeguarding children in private fostering arrangements please see the Private fostering policy.

Details about private fostering for parents and private foster carers and what they need to do can be found in the Are you looking after someone else's child? leaflet.

There is also a leaflet for privately fostered children.

Last updated: 14 January 2025