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Promoting the health and education of CLA

Promoting the health and education of CLA

Local authorities have a duty to promote the health and education of CLA, including their mental wellbeing. This is done in partnership with universal health services and education providers and with the support of the CLA Health Team and the Virtual School Head.

It is a statutory requirement that every local authority has a Virtual School Head who is responsible for promoting the education of looked after children.

Camden's Virtual School provides support around the education of children who are vulnerable and disadvantaged. This includes looked after children and previously looked after children who have left the care system following adoption or special guardianship as well as children in need receiving a social work service. The Virtual School also provides support to care leavers to help them maximise their education, training and employment opportunities.

The Virtual School consists of a Head Teacher and education consultants with professional qualifications and experience in teaching who can provide information and advice to social workers on how best to improve educational outcomes for CLA. 

Details of how the Virtual School provides support can be found here.

Last updated: 17 July 2023