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CP procedures

CP procedures

Child protection (CP) involves the statutory intervention into a child‘s life because there is reason to believe they are suffering or at risk of suffering significant harm. This is defined as harm arising from ill treatment or impairment of health and development due to neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse or emotional abuse, and includes impairment suffered as a consequence of seeing or hearing the ill treatment of another.

Child protection processes are set out in the statutory guidance Working together to safeguard children


Social workers may need to take specific steps to continue to protect children where they move between boroughs or move abroad.

It is vital that social workers ensure that the Quality Assurance Service are aware of any child on a CP plan moving into or out of Camden so that temporary CP registration can be put in place, or where a child with a child protection plan moves abroad.


For more details of actions to be taken where families move across local authority boundaries, social workers should refer to the London safeguarding children procedures and follow the Working with families from other local authorities policy


Where a child moves abroad, or there are concerns a family are planning such a move, social workers can get advice from Children and Families Across Boundaries (CFAB) on what action can be taken to continue to protect them. A factsheet on international child protection is also available with information on steps social workers can take.


Social workers should contact Shilpa Karim at: [email protected] or call ext: 8279

Last updated: 29 October 2024