Missing children
The following resources are available for social workers
For those conducting return interviews the following resource from the charity Missing People can help focus on supporting the family network to build on strengths.
Missing people
116 000
Works with young runaways, missing people and their families. Advice and information for professionals working with young people who run away or go missing.
Alone in London
020 7278 4224
Services to engage and support young people aged 16-25 who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
New Horizons Youth Centre
68 Chalton Street
0207 388 5570
Help, advice and support for young people aged 16-21 in the Kings Cross area who have housing issues.
Muslim Youth Helpline
0808 808 2008
18 Rosemont Road
0800 1111
01162 556234
Advice and help for parents whose children have been removed from the UK.
Railway Children
01270 757 596
Advice, support and outreach work for young people on the streets and advice for adults working with them.
The Children’s Society
0300 303 7000
A dedicated worker who offers independent return home interviews on a voluntary basis and provides training for professionals to raise awareness of the issues around going missing.