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Child exploitation

Child exploitation

Child exploitation describes a situation where an exploiter (who could be an adult or a peer) takes advantage of the child for their own personal or financial gain or gratification. It is based on a power imbalance in the relationship between the child and their exploiter and enables the exploiter to control the movement and behaviour of the child.

Very often there is an interface between harm, exploitation and going missing, and for this reason CSSW has a designated officer, the Missing and Child Exploitation Co-ordinator, who is responsible for oversight of missing episodes and exploitation of children in Camden.


Radicalisation is the process by which a person comes to support terrorism and extremist ideologies associated with terrorist groups.

Radicalisation is carried out by extremists who target vulnerable children and young people in order to influence their believes and may lead to the child or young person being persuaded to carry out acts of violence. 

The CSCP multi-agency radicalisation and extremism guidance provides information for social workers and partner agencies on the process of radicalisation and how to identify young people who are vulnerable or who have already been radicalised. It describes Camden's duty under the Prevent programme and sets out steps to be taken to refer the young person to the Channel Panel for an intervention to divert them from extremism.

Social workers should also be aware of the Home Office guidance on online radicalisation.

Social workers should follow this guidance when working with children and young people who are at risk due to radicalisation and extremism, and may also take advice from Camden's Prevent Education Manager:

Jane Murphy, Prevent Education Manager: ext: 1008

[email protected]

The Radicalisation information leaflet provides information for parents and is available in various languages.





Last updated: 08 November 2024