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Child exploitation

Child exploitation

Child exploitation describes a situation where an exploiter (who could be an adult or a peer) takes advantage of the child for their own personal or financial gain or gratification. It is based on a power imbalance in the relationship between the child and their exploiter and enables the exploiter to control the movement and behaviour of the child.

Very often there is an interface between harm, exploitation and going missing, and for this reason CSSW has a designated officer, the Missing and Child Exploitation Co-ordinator, who is responsible for oversight of missing episodes and exploitation of children in Camden.


The National Referral Mechanism (NRM) is the national framework for the collection and collation of data on victims of trafficking and modern slavery in the UK. The NRM allows agencies to share information and intelligence in order to support victims and gather evidence against perpetrators.

Social workers should be aware of making a referral to the Home Office under the National Referral Mechanism (NRM) on behalf of children who have been charged with a criminal offence linked to their exploitation: please see the NRM protocol for details.

Last updated: 11 November 2024