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Career pathways

Career pathways

Camden has set up a framework for career progression within CSFH that provides staff with clear pathways for development based on levels of learning, skills and experience.  

Camden recognises the importance of good management of people and services and that managerial tasks require a specific skill set, and social workers moving into management positions will require appropriate training and support.

Camden provides specific training for social work managers that emphasises the importance of leadership and management of a social work team and providing effective supervision, particularly in promoting reflective practice and the Camden’s systemic practice model of practice.

  • Camden subscribes to the Frontline Pathways programme for social workers moving into or aspiring to management positions or current managers looking to extend their skills. There are four bespoke pathways ranging from senior practitioner level up service heads and leader level each providing tailored learning.
  • The Learning and Development Service also provides a management training programme including the management induction programme for new managers. 
  • All Camden managers must complete the mandatory training on child care supervision and child protection thresholds, analysis and decision-making.

More information on being a manager is available here:

Last updated: 09 October 2023